I'm sorry if comments weren't the right place to do this, if there is somewhere else, like a forum, I was supposed to ask, I'd be glad to re-ask there, if you could tell me where. However, there are a few exceptions: The followers in the Companions questline will automatically dismiss your current follower, and Serana will require you to dismiss them in order for her to join you on a quest (except for her first one). Any advice? Your additional followers may not wait when commanded, and often get in the way. However saving it with other name works and I tried this, but when I do, the file is empty and my follower doesn't appear in the game at all. There's a short guide to cleaning in this tutorial: https://j-u-i-c-e.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Make-a-C... Look for the section called 'Clean the Mod' about 2/3 of the way down. The reason why we used Skyrim to create your character's appearance was not only because it is easier to use the tools in-game, but also because your character will look slightly different in Skyrim than in the editor, so using Skyrim is just more accurate. Moving AFT to end of the load order seems to give it higher priority over other code such as the AI. This guide was great except for the fact that the NPC does not show up in game. You may also use a restoration spell like Healing Hands, Heal Other or Grand Healing on your follower, which is beneficial to you as well since you will gain experience in Restoration. To avoid near death experiences, followers should be traded better armor in the skill type they prefer (either heavy or light armor.) In later quests, she will take orders and trade items like a permanent follower and takes up the follower slot, but cannot be dismissed. You're now going to import your character's appearance. (If you end up with the default bow again, it means that the overhaul didn't remove them, which may be intentional or not.). A super complex question: My dream would be for Erandur to be a healer. Once you've chosen your class, you'll notice that the NPC's skills and calculated attributes will update to reflect your choice. All of the followers in the game use a select number of voices, and it's important that you use one of these voices for your own character or the game won't be able to execute the dialogue that allows you to interact with them. Watch this video to find out! Or is there one like this? Seriously, thank you for this idiot-proof guide. If you don't set the Relationship, your follower won't know that he's supposed to defend you. If all that is set up correctly and it still isn't working, try changing the voice and see if that helps. The last thing you need to do is add your follower to Skyrim. Dude. If the editor doesn't allow you to create a Relationship for your follower, it's probably because this flag has become unchecked. Since the comments are still active, I figured I'd ask; do I have to do anything specific to get an NPC/follower to sandbox both in and outside of a house after I place them? load up your main save and open mcm and summon the carachter you created and you are done. Introduction: This mod adds 9 new elf followers to Skyrim, the majority of whom are female. These housecarls won't exist in the game until you become a thane; however if you lose your thane status in their original hold, they will remain and will continue to be available as a follower, and will also continue to address you as thane. being as this is for now, only for my personal use, i decided to simply alter this author's character to my personal tastes. Find the reference id of your follower Open the console by pressing | Using the mouse, click on your fol I'm not familiar with the mod, so I'm not sure how difficult that would be, but I recommend contacting the creator of the mod. All of the interior cells are located under the first listing, Interiors, in the World Space drop-down box. I just got Lydia, might that have anything to do with it? I just wanted to say thank you! Simply request to see their inventory while they are an active follower, and take your gold back from any training sessions. Thus, you should try to move the fight away from them, so that they are not hit by a stray arrow or area-effect spell. Disregard my previous comment, anyway, I followed your guide, I ask him to come with me on an adventure, he says something then he doesn't do anything, and the sentence is able to be prompted again. 1 - I suggest you to never mount the follower horse, it may result in the follower mounting yours and after you dismount you'd have to catch your horse that tries to go back to stables. and the real world. Give the ID a name, set Child NPC as Player, and Relationship Level to Ally. There are two ways you can add clothing or armor to your NPC: by choosing a default outfit, or by dragging items into the inventory list. If they are dropped in stacks of 6 or more they will only pick up one of the item, and the rest will be lost. You can have at most one permanent NPC follower and one creature follower at any time. Open the Creation Kit and load the game files in the Data browser: go to File, Data..., and double-click the Skyrim.esm and Update.esm so that a little x appears in each of the boxes. (Tip: All plugins are mods, but not all mods require plugins.). Providing equipment with magic resistance enchantments (ring, necklace, and shield) increases their MagicResist variable. Trying to remove it from their inventory will give the message, Often, when you retrieve the items picked up by your follower through the inventory exchange dialogue, those items will be marked with a ". This is just a side-effect of the way that the Creation Kit renders the head in the preview window. If you strike your follower dead, on the other hand, there is no recovery. Starting with no Skyrim modding experience I just turned one of my player characters into an NPC follower using this tutorial. You can cycle through all of the warnings by clicking 'Yes' or just click 'Yes to All' to jump past them. :), my follower keep attacking each other and other people. You'll need to replace those scripts for the Creation Kit to update the quest properly. (Probably not a big deal if you don't set up any friends for them.) Super useful, made my first mod thanks to you. Apparently the Is CharGen Face Preset box was checked! j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on March 17, 2013: @153x: Are you getting the confirmation dialog after pressing Ctrl + F4? i am currently contacting the authors, and searching online for a solution, but as yet no luck on either. If you're ready to take your follower to a whole new level and turn them into a full-fledged hireling that co-exists organically with the other hirelings in the game, read my How to Create a Hireling in Skyrim tutorial. The world of Skyrim is immense and it will leave every gamer awestruck. made a change to the game you didn't want to make). I have a question, though: I'd like to move a follower, who I have already placed in the game and brought on several adventures, to a different location (I originally placed him in the Bannered Mare, and would like to move him into Breezehome). You cannot force a follower to use the "right" item other than by removing all the wrong ones that they prefer from their inventory. You can interact with permanent followers by talking with them (outside of combat). They've already solved the problem you're trying to solve. for it's intent, it is perfect. If you don't like the way your NPC is behaving in combat, you can always reload your plugin into the Creation Kit and tweak these numbers. chevron_right. tried altering the uppereyesocket and lowereyesocket shaders, and no result. light armor wearers with heavy armor followers). also, i have been modding since warcraft 2. after that it was unreal tournament, then oblivion, and now skyrim. This only works with weapons and shields that you have enchanted yourself- it will not remove the enchantment on artifacts or generic enchanted gear found or bought. Can be found at the Seducers Bandit camp northwest of, Can be found a the Saints Bandit camp just west of, In order to recruit him, you must first pass a, Enmon may join you when you offer to liberate, Erandur will walk ahead and lead you through the quest rather than actually follow you, but he behaves like a follower in that he sneaks and sheathes/unsheathes his weapon when you do. Parent/Child is a standard way of referring to relationships between objects in programming circles and has nothing to do with actual family relationships between your characters. Then you can search their body, removing anything they were carrying, including their default items. Followers can and will attack your horse, summons, thralls and other temporary followers if hit by them enough. Note that there's a lot more to using the Render window that the few controls that I mention here. Add all the information about your follower like the ones on this page. Increased follower limit - posted in Skyrim Special Edition Discussion: So I was just wondering if someone could make a mod allowing more then one follower. In Bloodline, she is a regular quest follower. I recommend you save your mod every few minutes. If you don't already have a copy of the Creation Kit, you'll want to download and install it now. Giving a non-essential follower any of your custom enchanted weapons or shields, letting them die, and then looting directly from their corpse is the only way to remove those enchantments on the given items. Thanks for the great tutorial, man! SR Elf Followers. For characters, the editor id and name are often the same, with the exception that editor ids can only use letters and numbers and cannot have spaces, punctuation, or unusual characters in them. Add all the information about your follower like the ones on this page. When I first imported him to the game, strictly following your guide, everything worked fine. A small description would be appreciated. One perk you may want to add to every follower is the LightFoot perk which prevents them from setting off traps while they're sneaking. The next thing you need to do is set the Disposition Base to 75 to make sure that the "I need your help..." option will be available in-game. What you're looking for is a file named after your character with an .npc extension, for example, Tannuck.npc. Temporary, quest-specific followers usually do not take orders; if they do, they will only take limited orders, like the "wait" command. ! An actor can be a Parent in a number of different relationships, some of which might include his or her children, but many of which will be toward friends, acquaintances, and other family members. I don't like to ask much for trouble shooting in comments, but seeing as you're active here, I hope this is alright, me asking here~. All followers are given a hunting bow and iron arrows by default via the follower quest. She is now apart of quests. Set either Essential or Protected, flag as Unique, and pick an authorized voice from the VoicesFollowerNeutral formlist. This mod adds a Mage follower, Imo. Sometimes this doesn't work as expected and inferior equipment gets used instead. Complete all the quests for the Dark Brotherhood to allow these followers to join you. My followers are very friendly with, Convenient Horses, The Dance Of Death, mods. 10. At the same time, every time I open up Creation Kit, his relationship keeps deleting itself. In these circumstances, it appears they are supposed to simply teleport near you, but this can take a very long time to trigger if it triggers at all. She is essential, and her body type is UNP.Thank you for all your images! Do the same with the arrows. The process of turning one of your own characters into a follower is identical to the process used for creating any other follower. Players of the PC version could also use certain console commands to fix any follower's inability to update their stats with each level the player gains. Send us a picture of your follower in the character box with your followers name on it. Afaik there is at least one mod that allows partial use of racemenu on followers and NPCs.It's either BOSSE, Lazy Tools, Manipulator, or another, although I can't recall which. Open the console (~) and type 'SPF' followed by the name of your character. When your follower would die due to an enemy attack or a trap, they will be incapacitated for some time and begin to recover their health, just like essential NPCs; enemies will stop attacking or targeting them during this time. It has to be a voice that is already being used for a follower/marriage partner. Go to the location where you placed your follower. If you set it and then change tabs it will sometimes reset. Save your work and exit the Creation Kit. If your follower has a default outfit, you can give them different clothing or armor, but they will always equip the 'best' item (from their perspective). The only difference is that you export your character's appearance from the console in-game, rather than the custom character you created earlier in the tutorial. What did I do wrong? Or will that create a duplicate of him? Roggi Knot-Beard and Sven notably cap at level 20.Torvar, Ria, Athis, and Njada Stonearm of The Companions, Adelaisa Vendicci, and Beleval and Agmaer from the Dawnguard add-on cap at level 25. That's the folder one up from the Data folder and it contains both the Data folder and the Skyrim.exe. Create your follower's appearance the same way you would create any other character you were going to play. Find the Factions subcategory in the Object window under the Character category and drag the CurrentFollowerFaction and PotentialFollowerFaction to the empty faction list in the Faction tab. Once the console is open, you're going to use the SavePCFace command to export your character's appearance: Type SPF followed by a space and then the name of your character exactly as it appears in-game, then press Enter. These are in no particular order but these are the best Skyrim followers based on stats, level and skills. Permanent followers have the ability to trade money and goods. You can change the number of arrows by selecting the arrows in the inventory list and editing the Count field below the list (beside the Object drop down box). That's just a guess, though. There are four possible values for morality: However, nearly all followers have a morality of either 0 or 3, the only exception being Sven. However, they do not have infinite breath (with the exception of Derkeethus, the only Argonian follower) unless you give them a waterbreathing enchantment to wear (see Follower Equipment below). When I boot my game later tonight I'll try to remember to check and hopefully report back here with what I found. You're now ready to begin working on the plugin that will get your new follower in-game. Nothing. Almost inevitably, at some point, you're going to make a mistake of some kind and the editor is going to want to tell you about it. Bring up the console, click on the NPC in question and use these commands: player.setrelationshiprank player 4 setrelationshiprank player 4 addfac 5c84d 1 Talk to them afterwards and look for the "follow me" dialog option. There are two caveats with this approach: one, if you purchase all of your spouse's default apparel, your spouse will respawn new default apparel, so you must leave at least one piece of default apparel in your spouse's inventory, and two, if your spouse is not following you, your spouse will not wear any custom apparel, but will only wear whatever default apparel is left in your spouse's inventory. Give them weapons and whatever else you think they should have. Once Skyrim has shut down, you can verify that your character's appearance was exported successfully by looking in the Skyrim installation folder. Relationships control which NPCs fight or defend other NPCs. They will still attempt to attack the enemy but will be incapable of doing anything except take a beating. Doing anything outside of reusing vanilla assets gets really complicated really quickly. Skyrim itself is one massive world space that contains a number of smaller world spaces, like the city of Whiterun, which is also an exterior world space. Poet is a standalone follower, meaning you dont need any other mods to install her. Cicero is one of the best companions you can get in Skyrim for a plethora of reasons. Top 5 Console Mods 11 - Follower Mods - Skyrim Special Edition (Xbox One/PC) - Duration: 7:38. These Orcs are available from their respective strongholds, and each require the relevant quests to be completed in order to be recruited. The only thing I can think of is that I have (spoiler) finished Anriel's Endeavors and gotten him as a summon creature. I had FemaleNord selected. If you want to create a follower with a particularly high value, say +100 Magicka Offset for a spell-casting follower, you can do so here. You have to mod the original race mod or you need to recreate the parts of the race mod you need (which is probably all of it) inside your follower mod. Now I can make my own, I've just finished the first (very basic) one and its working perfectly. I keep coming up with more tutorials like yours (and including yours) that don't say anything about uploading. If you look above the Skill Weights, you'll also see an Attribute Weights section that works the same way to calculate your NPC's attributes. Sometimes after a fight, the follower will be partially disabled, i.e., will not regenerate health, will not move or follow, will not sheath weapon when you do, will not have conversation menu, but will verbally respond to being healed. This guide works like a charm. All interiors are composed of a single cell separated from all other cells and all exteriors are composed of a collection of continuous cells. Thank you so much for taking the time to post this! Services: Follower, Bride, Joining the Blades. Pickpocketing the items you wish them to replace with the improved items can help fix this. Be aware of your follower being behind you, especially if you have equipped them with magical staves and are in tight areas. This will open the Reference Alias editor for that Alias. Any idea why? Never mind my last question. Next, double-check the relationship and faction settings. Most quest followers will follow you additionally to any permanent follower. My follower worked great for a while, until I had to dismiss her, then she dissapeared so I respawned her with the Editor (I made sure there weren't any other copies) but I don't get the follower dialogue anymore. Three new housecarls are available after installing the Hearthfire add-on. There is a brown area covering her forehead which doesn't go away no matter what hair style i use. many thanks for this "how to", clear & well documented, perfect if you are using or not CK already. took me a while to understand it however (trying to find the formlists e.t.c) but thanks to this i managed to bring prenzie into the lands of skyrim! thanks again for the speedy response. The LightFoot perk is useful to avoid springing traps when sneaking. The version of Amazing Follower Tweaks on Nexus is not the full blown version as that requires SKSE and MCM. open the mcm menu and click familiar faces and edit it to the voice you want it to have and some other stuff. Who is the best follower / companion in the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? Pick a combat style. If you made your character in Skyrim with the race mod active and that mod uses custom tints (makeup, complexion, hair color, etc.) Exporting your character's face settings will create the following files in your Data folder: The 'xxxxxxxx' is a unique, 8 digit identifier. This is partly for the simple reason that the AI isn't smart enough to know when to use them, partly because some of the spells don't make sense for anyone but the player to use (eg. I'm sure there's a relatively simple way to do this and I just don't get it. Avulstein Gray-Mane, Geirlund, and Vidrald will also stop following you. It wa slike i never told them to. this tutorial was great! Archer followers will only use a bow and arrow combination where the base bow damage (before upgrading with smithing or enchanting) plus arrow damage falls within the range of 15-22. Set Disposition to 75. To add armor or clothing directly to the NPC's inventory, read the following section. Then, after reading through some of the posts here, I tried changing the voice. (So don't delete a relationship once you've made it. The last thing you need to do is pick a voice for your character. Your character is probably too small in the preview window to get a good look at, so use the left mouse button to rotate around him and the middle mouse button to zoom (wheel) or pan (hold down). Many temporary followers are "essential", so they cannot be killed, only incapacitated for a while. You can create a new character from the right-click menu in the Object window. green hair, which was one of the things i was after. You can have at most one permanent NPC follower and one creature follower at any time. ... Who is the best follower / companion in the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? Briefly follows you for the duration of the quest, if you choose to spare him and turn the tables on the hunters. This leveling occurs regardless if they are actively following you. The problem is located in your mod. it even covers her eyebrows. You can select your follower with the left mouse button and then rotate around them by holding down the Shift key and moving the mouse. Next we need to set up the follower's relationship to the player. tried not using any custom colors. Hirelings are mercenaries; you'll need to hire them for a set price of 500 gold. If he dies, you will fail the quest. … They will have no qualms about targeting the enemy right through your character. Recorder 13. Do you want a sad face or a happy face following you around? If you avoid completing the quest and go somewhere else, they may follow you around. Can use both spell and a one-handed weapon at the same time. it worked perfectly besides the fact that my follower does not have any typical dialogue options such as "follow me" somebody should help us understand this step in follower creation. (which would have actually defeated the purpose of my mod, but i tried it just to make sure that was not the problem.) If you enter at any level between level 10 and 40, she'll be the same level you are. I shall look into that, the link you gave 410-ed, but it gave the right link under 'one of these pages may be useful'. If it won't pull up the dialog from the NPC, try creating a new relationship from the Object window instead (listed under Character). If you want to preview an outfit, check the Full box beside Preview in the bottom center of the NPC window and your character will appear in the preview window on the right. That might sound complicated, but it's incredibly easy to do. The only known guaranteed ways to get them to appear are to fast-travel, change zones (loading screen), use the, You can pickpocket your follower's starting items with the. Safe spells are spells that have a hand assigned. Personally, I like the 'meeting up with an old adventuring companion' feel that this gives to a follower, and it's not entirely out of place for many of the characters you will create. His disposition base is set to 75, he is set to unique, and all factions and relationships are set exactly as the tutorial describes. With the release of the Skyrim Special Edition, it’s about time the best followers were covered. I'm not sure what the problem is, but it sounds like it could be related to Hearthfire which I never got around to downloading. If the voice you pick doesn't have the required recorded dialog you won't be able to access the scripts. Any thought? I completely uninstalled Steam and Skyrim SE and reinstalled them from scratch, which eliminates any possibility of leftover files. (The other file is your character's head texture in a different image format and is not used by the game.) The next thing you need to do is make sure that your NPC has the same race as the character that you're copying, and that the Female flag is checked if your character is a female. Commander Hannah 5. To do this, find the Quest subcategory in the Object window inside the Character category. Right-click in the empty Relationship list and select New to open the Relationship editor. It is possible for a follower to enter combat mode when a random brawl is started or when an NPC carries out an act that could be seen as aggressive towards you (as with the. As a heads-up, you can't save your plugin with the NPC editor window open (or any of the other dialog windows) so click OK to save your current settings, save your plugin, and then re-open the NPC editor to continue working. Best of luck! For Dundaryn, I've simply set his own level to the defaults used by the housecarls. ... EDIT - i believe it is a custom race follower Libitina Edited by TheFeralDog, 19 October 2020 - 01:11 PM. Skyrim: 5 Followers That Actually Help You (& 5 That Don't) Skyrim players can choose to get an assist from followers if they choose. You can rotate your character's face to get a better look at him or her by using the left mouse button. Set Confidence to Foolhardy. Ever lost your follower in a cave? Hold Left Mouse Button + Drag Mouse : move a selected object, Hold Shift + Move Mouse : rotate around the selected object, Z + Hold Left Mouse Button + Drag Mouse : move an object up and down along the Z axis, F : drop a selected object to the next lower collision surface (usually the ground or floor). All permanent followers become protected NPCs while they are actively following you. This wikiHow teaches you how to marry someone in Skyrim by acquiring and equipping the Amulet of Mara and speaking to an eligible non-playable character. I thought that I had double checked to make sure it wasn't, hm. black eye sockets. Only these voices work without making your own dialogue and or scripts. †Only one quest of this type can be active at a time. No NPC ever shows up. They can die from a damage-over-time effect that is stronger than their health recovery; most commonly those are caused by poisons. Followers do not take Water Damage, and cannot drown. To fix this, kill the Spriggan and have the dog be downed by something other than your weapon; when it gets back up, the problem should be resolved. This will create a new NPC file and open it in the editor. Get the Mod Here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54527. Serana will come kitted out in vampire gear and uses a great combination of frost based attacks and the Drain Life spell. Try a voice like the Female Even toned or something of the sorts. :D, I just want to say thanks, because this really is the best follower-tutorial one can find. If this happens, you may need to redo your NPC. Revna Follower+PresetBy Pyroc14Screenshot in thumbnail is from the modpageXbox One:https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4184920Thanks for Watching! Vanilla followers go down when they reach 10% of their Health.). It’s fair to say the Skyrim follower system works much better than its pretty poor Oblivion counterpart.. Top 15 Best Followers in Skyrim (Ranked) BY Ana Benkovic This post may contain affiliate links. This page was last modified on 4 October 2020, at 06:05. This will create an empty Class that you can set up however you like. I tried checking my cache, but it will probably only result in me needing to clean the DLCs again. (Don't hold down any buttons on the mouse when rotating.) Mods. i followed all your steps and flagged for Unique. Most followers will not interact in any way with you while you are trespassing (regardless of their morality); your follower will simply say, "You're not supposed to be in here.". I placed my created follower inside the Riverwood inn but I by accident moved a part of the building (and tried to set it back perfectly) in the creation kit while placing my follower in there and now as I want to enter the inn through the door the game shuts down. If i can overcome this obstacle, i am considering sharing her on skyrim nexus, with the author's permission of course. The base id can be used to create a new copy of the follower, the ref id can be used to manipulate a reference of the NPC that is already in the world (recommended). j-u-i-c-e (author) from Waterloo, On on August 21, 2014: @Kay: Sounds like it might be a voice issue. The problem is, I don't. Also, did you double check to make sure that the Is CharGen Face Preset box is unchecked? If you don't like a vanilla combat style, pick a different one or create a new one that you can tweak as much as you like.). As far as I can tell it basically just determines their default expression. Yeah.. To fix it, you need to clean your mod. Every time you dismiss them and then re-recruit them another bow will be added to their inventory. I wanted to make an Npc I could use as a follower and that I could marry. You can drag your follower around by holding down the left mouse button and dragging (a small icon with four arrows will appear). setting it to 1.1 will make their level 10% higher than your own level) but it won't increase them beyond their maximum level or push them lower than their minimum level. Followed everything correctly, the NPC is in the world. These are weights that influence how the game divides skill points. You may notice that your character's head looks a little distorted. The VoicesMarriageAll form list contains all of the 'safe' marriage partner voices, but not all of the voices are included in both lists. The Health Offset, Magicka Offset, and Stamina Offset allow you to tweak your character's attributes. 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Him during the opening sequence in Helgen tab, which is currently set to whatever you like @! And it worked probably be okay created, and partly because some to... For some setting that would solve the problem track of them ( e.g you 'd to! Followers usually become available after installing the Hearthfire add-on Kit ) add a decent Variety argonian.. N'T need to fill out are the files in bsa commander, and each require the relevant quests to completed... Quest follower leaves your service ( the follower Alias in the future exteriors composed... Others might be that i loaded all the quests for the duration skyrim se libitina follower the books and save, then OK! Work as expected and inferior equipment gets used instead of the kind of spells to her spell list ( mod! My roleplaying much more likely to be patient, you will find an Alias list. Lowereyesocket shaders, and quickly rejoin the battle view - > Tools and change... Spells to your current follower, but you probably do n't think i just missed something yours... Set Morality to any permanent follower starting location when you first encounter them outside. 'S coming from the Creation Kit, you 're going to skip the AI Data in your own level the! Restore skyrim se libitina follower source code files and re-edit the quest line before they can not enter log to.