Skill comes only with practice, patience, and persistence. dogged persistence to study such low subjects, finally earned him some respite. 414. With persistence, the medical volunteers doggedly worked to find a solution to the family's health crisis. lawgivers show very vividly the persistence of what was current religion but was hostile to their teaching.'. The kaleidophone, intended to present visibly the movements of a sonorous body, consisted of a vibrating wire or rod carrying a silvered bead reflecting a point of light, the motions of which, by persistence of the successive images on the retina, were thus represented in curves of light. Persistence definition, the act or fact of persisting. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Easily browse through english vocabulary, listen the sentences or … 1- She was disgusted at his persistence. Eventually we will know these things, but we must be diligent, thorough, persistentand patient. "Well …" She hesitated, surprised at his persistence. The Denver Naturopathic Clinic published an article relating the persistence of certain celiac neuropathies to the presence of a systemic fungal infection. Persistence in this course led to the repeal by letters-patent of 1903 of the Strickland-Mizzi Constitution of 1887. Unfortunately, this is an area that is often overlooked by freelance writers who think talent and persistence are all they need to be successful. The first care of the new pope was to pave the way for the restoration of peace with Russia and the German Empire, and it was owing to his patience, persistence and energy that these efforts for peace were crowned with success. The persistence with which he and his successors urged them made stable peace impossible for more than a century, and this made the struggle famous in history as the Hundred Years' War. He expressed his own judgment of his success as a public man by saying that it was not due to any special gifts or genius, but to the fact that by patience and laborious persistence he had developed ordinary qualities to a more than ordinary degree. Therefore, patience and persistence are going to be key to breaking into this area of freelance writing. A X6yos emerges with some beings in direct sequence upon the persistence of impressions.'" Presence of abnormal muscle tone or movements may indicate CP, as may the persistence of infantile reflexes. The gross errors of his policy - the renewal of the war with Holland in 1621, the persistence of Spain in taking part in the Thirty Years' War, the lesser wars undertaken in northern Italy, and the entire neglect of all effort to promote the unification of the different states forming the peninsular kingdom - were shared by him with the king, the Church and the commercial classes. 2. The investigation of double stars was carried on from 1819 to 1850 with singular persistence and ability at Dorpat and Pulkowa by F. 15) he has been called a native of Phrygia, but perhaps the historian merely intended to indicate the persistence of Novatianism in Phrygia at the time when he wrote. The few cases where the government is not monarchical, as Arabia, seem to represent the persistence of every ancient conditions. - Mainly colonial, rarely solitary corals, with radial septa, but bilateral arrangement indicated by persistence of a main septum. Even in the case of the two more important epistles, i Peter and James, we have to add the qualification " if genuine," but rather perhaps because of the persistence with which they are challenged than because of inherent defect of attestation. If you're an aspiring writer, persistence pays off. The standpoint is that of the peculiar Judaizing or Ebonite Christianity due to persistence among Christians of the tendencies known among pre-Christian Jews as Essene. He speaks, e.g., as if species and genera were fixed and unchangeable; and fixing his eye on the ideal forms in their purity and self-sameness, he scorns the phenomenal world, whence this identity and persistence are absent. the ability to continue on with something in spite of difficulty or opposition. Abstract Activation processes appear to have an important impact on the mechanisms of language use, including those responsible for syntactic structure in speech. : the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people. How can we explain the persistence of this banal idea? Ignoring the persistent ring, she put the chicken in the oven and closed the door. Washington's retreat through New Jersey; the manner in which he turned and struck his pursuers at Trenton and Princeton, and then established himself at Morristown, so as to make the way to Philadelphia impassable; the vigour with which he handled his army at the Brandywine and Germantown; the persistence with which he held the strategic position of Valley Forge through the dreadful winter of 1777-1778, in spite of the misery of his men, the clamours of the people and the impotence and meddling of the fugitive Congress - all went to show that the fibre of his public character had been hardened to its permanent quality. The stubborn persistence of the Greeks, however, dashed Metternich's hope that the question would soon settle itself, and produced a state of affairs in the Levant which necessitated some action. Section 6.16 describes how to implement polymorphic persistence in the classes that you create by inheriting from RWCollectable. persistence example sentences. In Proclus we find this conception of an emanation of the world out of the Deity, or the absolute, made more exact, the process being regarded as threefold-0) persistence of cause in effect, (2) the departure of effect from cause, and (3) the tendency of effect to revert to its cause. The persistence of evidence for the importance of Aegean and Asia Minor (" Hittite ") peoples in the study of Palestine and surrounding lands is one of the most interesting features of recent discovery. Albert Einstein once said that reality is merely an illusion, though a very persistent one. But the Khazars proper were a civic commercial people, the founders of cities, remarkable for somewhat elaborate political institutions, for persistence and for good faith - all qualities foreign to the Hunnic character. PCBs are a group of 209 related compounds that are ubiquitous environmental contaminants of considerable persistence. 'To win the game, you must have persistence.' In the above, and in other respects also, a survey of the history of Palestine suggests the necessity of modifying that " biological " treatment of the development of thought which pays insufficient attention to the persistence of the representatives of different stages by the side of or after the disappearance of the higher stages; see I. Being a successful eBay shopper requires a fair amount of persistence. 2. Look for scrapbooking jobs available requires both patience and persistence. The notion of a Yahweh scarcely less limited in power than man, the naïve views of supernatural beings and their nearness to man, and the persistence of features which stand relatively low in the scale of mental culture, only serve to enhance the reality of the spirit which inspired the endeavour to reform. 61) Work is a test of our commitment, determination, persistence and perseverance. 565. 288. CK 1 2239832 Tom was persistent. For the persistence of the " high places," see G. $ For examples of the persistence of the interrelated ideas - whether of astral significance or not is another question - see A. The evidence for the rite among the Greeks is sufficient to warrant the conclusion of its introduction at a very early period and its persistence to a late day. Ecological Modeling. Persistent sentence examples. To get paid for writing articles online, persistence and patience are vital. ‘Her persistence was rewarded, however, in 1970 when she won a by-election in West Bromwich.’ ‘There are a few strategies that can lead to success, but persistence and patience are key.’ ‘We are delighted that the patience and persistence shown by the project … This conception is expressed in George Eliot's lines: ", O, may I join the choir invisible Of those immortal dead who live again In minds made better by their presence: live In pulses stirred to generosity, In deeds of daring rectitude, in scorn For miserable aims that end with self, In thoughts sublime that pierce the night like stars, And with their mild persistence urge man's search To vaster issues.". The definiteness and persistence of this creed, which of course is the strength also of Mahommedanism, presents a contrast to the fluid character of the statements in the Vedas, and to the chaos of conflicting opinions of philosophers among the Greeks and Romans. To get the money back requires a little persistence by taxpayers. Persistence and Spread: lesser trefoil forms a persistent seedbank. Because of the patient’s persistence to be seen, the nurse took her back to … 32. We have given a few examples of the concentration of his efforts in seeking to identify the apparently different forces of nature, of his far-sightedness in selecting subjects for investigation, of his persistence in the pursuit of what he set before him, of his energy in working out the results of his discoveries, and of the accuracy and completeness with which he made his final statement of the laws of the phenomenon. Lord Hartington soon found himself pushed aside from his position of titular leadership. use "persistent" in a sentence Psychiatrists define depression as an affective disorder characterized by a profound and persistent sadness. All that he had done for her in the days of the Consulate was remembered; his subsequent proceedings - his tyranny, his shocking waste of human life, his deliberate persistence in war when France and Europe called for a reasonable and lasting peace - all this was forgotten; and the great warrior, who died of cancer on the 5th of May 1821, was thereafter enshrouded in mists of legend through which his form loomed as that of a Prometheus condemned to a lingering agony for his devotion to the cause of humanity. His persistence was taking its toll, and when his lips found hers again, she responded involuntarily. Vegetative reproduction is effected in various ways: by the separation of the branches of a creeping stem in some Lycopodia, the persistence through the winter of the apex of the shoot in L. The persistence of the French in refusing more than a money compensation to the German princes who had claims in Alsace afforded matter of complaint to the Empire. Some implications of this claim for theories of language performance were examined with a syntactic priming procedure. Synonyms: determination, resolution, pluck, stamina More Synonyms of persistence use "persist" in a sentence. Connects a computer to or disconnects a computer from a shared resource, or displays information about computer connections. can-do ' spirit of persistence is the key to our success. Hence the Persistence of Force is the ultimate basis of knowledge. The failure of a diet is largely dependent on the dieter's lack of persistence and loss of interest. Deidre wasn't certain if there was any affection for his daughter, though his persistence in healing her was a sign of either care or obligation. Starting like his predecessors with the indestructibility of matter, Haeckel makes more than they do of the conservation of energy, and merges the persistence of matter and energy in one universal law of substance, which, on the ground that body is subject to eternal transformation, is also' the universal law of evolution. His early exploits against the English were failures and revealed in the young prince both avarice and stubborn persistence in projects obviously ill-advised. You have to admire their persistence, if nothing else. They are ubiquitous environmental contaminants of considerable persistence. How to use persistent in a sentence. CK 1 2203177 You're persistent. Finding jobs for journalists, particularly freelance writing positions, requires patience and persistence. A similar picture of symptom persistence and pain-related disability is seen in many other chronic pain syndromes (e.g. Knowing this level may help doctors evaluate low concentrations of normal hemoglobin in red blood cells (anemia), as well as higher-than-normal levels of fetal hemoglobin or its hereditary persistence. sugar beets for persistence of transgenic plant DNA and horizontal gene transfer. Definition of Persistence. In order to provide polymorphic persistence, a class must have a unique, unchanging identifier. It also involves the persistence of HbF with larger than normal amounts appearing in the child's circulation. 5 This persistence of serpent-cult, and the ' For the early date (between 720 and 710), Winckler, Alttest. The word "persistence" in a example sentences. 2. Show More Sentences Our game plan is to go the distance, in spite of persistentspeculation to the contrary. Those who were unwilling to accept evolution, without better grounds than such as are offered by Lamarck, and who therefore preferred to suspend their judgment on the question, found in the principle of selective breeding, pursued in all its applications with marvellous knowledge and skill by Darwin, a valid explanation of the occurrence of varieties and races; and they saw clearly that, if the explanation would apply to species, it would not only solve the problem of their evolution, but that it would account for the facts of teleology, as well as for those of morphology; and for the persistence of some forms of life unchanged through long epochs of time, while others undergo comparatively rapid metamorphosis. stubborn persistence of trachoma are clearly presented. Persistence: The child's ability to continue with an activity in the face of obstacles or problems. This may be a challenge, but with persistence, you should be able to find an instructor who will work with you in this way. persistence of infection at the breeder level. The notion of a Yahweh scarcely less limited in power than man, the naïve views of supernatural beings and their nearness to man, and the persistence of features which stand relatively low in the scale of mental culture, only serve to enhance the reality of the spirit which inspired the endeavour to reform. 181. Persist definition is - to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition, importunity, or warning. The answer to this question depends in part on the nature of the child's response, its intensity, and persistence over time. repeated Will with dogged, 28) Tell you that I reach the goal of the mystery, I only power is my, 29) Although he's less talented, he won by sheer dogged, 30) Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her. The two surviving species of Sequoia afford an illustration of the persistence of an old type, but unfortunately most of the Mesozoic species referred to this genus do not possess sufficiently perfect cones to confirm their identification as examples of Sequoia. However adequate these identifications may seem, the persistence of an independent clan or tribe of Cherethites-Cretans to the close of the 7th century would imply an unbroken chain of nearly six hundred years, unless, as is inherently more probable, later immigrations had occurred within the interval. beets for persistence of transgenic plant DNA and horizontal gene transfer. zoospores, conidia, endogonidia, stylospores, &c.; (2) paulospores, due to simple rearrangement of cell-contents, and subserving the persistence of the fungus through periods of exigency, e.g. In 1954, Elvis performed for the first time at the … First, the researchers shared more information about the recently published study, Trends in Social Media: Persistence and Decay. Their absence, however, is readily explained by the persistence of the agglutinative principle, which renders them unnecessary. Friends and family usually mean well, but the persistence of some Old Wives Tales can cause you to feel anxious during your pregnancy. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Persist" in Example Sentences Page 1. Increased understanding of the persistence of inoculant strains in field situations and the ability of inoculant strains in field situations and the ability of inoculants to infect intercrop and weed species. They do not represent the opinions of In the freelance writing world, persistence is just as important as writing talent! neem seed extract is relatively effective but the persistence is limited. Use ‘persistent’ in a sentence | ‘persistent’ example sentences . 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