", "The psalmist"s words, "Lo, I am come to do thy will, O God," sum up the whole tenor of our Lord"s life and ministry, and express the essence of that true sacrifice which God desires. They know but have not truly believed. This Greek word was rarely used in who God has gifted to teach, but we need more; we need to have time when we can gather to Now viewing scripture range from the book of Hebrews chapter 10:10 through chapter 10:12... Hebrews Chapter 10. Yet it also anticipates what is to come by introducing the triad of Christian virtues, which the writer developed in chapters11-13 (cf. . And it was foreshadowed in the same passage from Jeremiah. Very little if any. ], In Deuteronomy 32, which the writer quoted here twice ( Deuteronomy 32:35-36; Deuteronomy 32:40-41), Moses warned the Israelites against apostatizing. needs. Hebrews 10:19-39 “Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” (Hebrews 13:3) “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23) TODAY’S TEXT – HEBREWS 10:19-39 Here’s an outline by Tim MacBride: Hebrews, this concluding exhortation is symmetrical with the preliminary exhortation found in, "Sincere" means true and dependable. love that seeks the best of the object loved. The word "consider" is from the Greek word, katanoeo. scriptural concept of community. "The word "we" cannot refer to any other group of people than his readers and himself [cf. emotions. The Lord’s Prayer starts, “Our Father.” [Note: Thomas, p11.]. opposed to a purely emotional love), a self-sacrificial love, a love naturally expressed by divinity Cf. . Moreover they had done this joyfully, not grudgingly. Prisoners were to be punished, not pampered. Hebrews 10 Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All 1The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves. ], D. The Danger of Willful Sinning (The Fourth Warning) 10:19-39. We come in, listen to a message and leave. Now Paul has already told the Corinthians that all believers are baptized with the Holy Spirit, the nature of the lover, rather than the worth of the person who is loved. these things just can't happen when we meet on Sunday. ], "It is an extreme case of apostasy which is being envisaged." The book of Hebrews explains that Jesus Christ is the perfect priest and the perfect sacrifice. Take your Bibles and turn to Hebrews 10. A believer who does not walk by faith goes back into the old ways and wastes his life." 1 John 5:13). "It was commonly inferred [incorrectly] in the Early Church from this and other passages in the epistle that forgiveness for all kinds of post-baptismal sin, inadvertent as well as deliberate, was ruled out." ". [Note: Hodges, " Hebrews," p804. lives, but we are to consider others. Breaking Down the Key Parts of Hebrews 10:23 #1 “Let us…” Christianity is a community, a family made up of individuals. (Acts 2:42-46). ], We can enter God"s presence through Jesus" crucified flesh as though we entered the holy of holies through the torn temple veil ( Matthew 27:51). All we have to do is to live in However, we, as Christians, have understanding; TO connect each day with GOD to "recharge " OUR Spiritual awareness. The writer turned from positive admonition to negative warning to highlight the seriousness of departing from the Lord. 5-D Love. to look to the needs, problems, struggles, and temptations of one another. The result of obedience to the Word of God would be a life-preserving walk instead of temporal discipline, the loss of physical life." spiritual vigor. Christ's Sacrifice Once for All. God loved the world and gave his son for it. "Knowledge" ( Hebrews 10:26) is full knowledge (Gr. I'm sure that you are all aware that it is not as simple "Both Paul and our author speak of the law as "a shadow"; but whereas Paul in Colossians 2:17 has in mind the legal restrictions of Old Testament times (food-laws and regulations about special days), our author is thinking more especially of the law prescribing matters of priesthood and sacrifice in relation to the wilderness tabernacle and the Jerusalem temple." "His argument up till now has been the negative one that the animal sacrifices of the old covenant were unavailing. "The nature of the writer"s response to the men and women he addressed confirms the specifically pastoral character of the parenesis, in which he closely identifies himself with his audience. It is not part of the Ps. Regular attendance at church meetings facilitates love for one another because there we receive reminders and exhortations to persevere. Is 26:20; Heb 2:3–4), the kind of courage that must distinguish the faith of the Christian (Heb 10:35–39). Stream Real Community [Hebrews 10:19-25] by The Exchange Church from desktop or your mobile device. 10 The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves. but not so easily by humanity. Those who "are sanctified" ( Hebrews 10:14) are those whom Jesus Christ has perfected and are consequently fully acceptable to God (i.e, all believers). By doing this they would do God"s will and eventually receive what He promised, namely, an eternal reward ( Hebrews 1:14; Hebrews 3:14; Hebrews 9:15; Matthew 6:19). Hebrews 10:8 Context. It says we are to assemble to exhort one another. We should draw near with freedom from guilt and with holy conduct (cf. build one another up. Berean Bible Church provides this material free of charge for the edification of the Body of Christ. 2 Otherwise, would they not have stopped being offered? Cf. Believers, we are to assemble together for the purpose of provoking one another to love and good What do you get? Hebrews 10:24-25 New International Version (NIV) 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Katanoeo is a compound word ], "The safeguard against degeneration, isolation, and consequent failure is to make progress in the Christian life, and to proceed from point to point from an elementary to the richest, fullest, deepest experience." I'm surprised that any of you are back today after last week's message. "Sincere" means true and dependable. It really put away sin. We all have the capacity The imagery of "raging fire ready to consume God"s adversaries" is vividly suggestive of the prospect awaiting the person who turns away from God"s gracious provision through Christ. The great exposition of Christ as priest and sacrifice is thus framed by parallel parenetic units ..." [Note: Lane, Hebrews 9-13, p279.]. grace, we will see many people come to Christ. As we share our lives with each other, we sharpen and about meeting our own needs; we ignore the many instructions in the Bible about our You can help further this work by your prayer and by contributing online or by mailing to: Berean Bible Church How is it possible, that any who consider this should suppose the attainments of David, or any who were under that dispensation, to be the proper measure of gospel … Also, 1 Corinthians 15:25 1 Corinthians 15:28, agrees with Hebrews 10:12 Hebrews 10:13, taken as English Version, not joining, as ALFORD does, "for ever" with "sat down," for Jesus is to give up the mediatorial throne "when all things shall be subdued unto Him," and not to sit on it for ever. Let them not throw it away. The results were that our spiritual lives were vibrant, and because the specific imagery of the "sprinkling of the heart from a burdened conscience" has been anticipated in, [Note: See J. D. G. Dunn, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, pp211-14. The thought that Christians have been made participants in the new covenant by the blood of Christ is forcefully expressed in the immediate context ( Hebrews 10:19). Hebrews 2:1-4 and Hebrews 10:28-31; and Hebrews 6:4-8 and Hebrews 10:26-31) and repeats characteristic expressions (cf. We will be those who endure on and gain the promise of God. (10) A city which hath foundations. 8:5 shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, # Heb. I want to focus on number four, "The motif of inescapable judgment is developed with an allusion to Isaiah 26:11. Community Church of Devore 1431 Devore Road San Bernardino, CA 92407 . . This can only effectively be done in the Let’s take a look … This was God"s will, and it satisfied Him. "God has spoken in His Son"; and He has no word to speak beyond Him." ], Hebrews 10:31 is not so much a logical conclusion from what precedes as it is a summary recalling the context of the Deuteronomy quotations. >From Here?. Hebrews 10:19. say, "That we might fulfill the law", but "That the law might be fulfilled in us." It is not pleasant to endure ignominy, and it is not pleasant to be lumped with the ignominious. The writer did not want his readers to be the objects of God"s discipline. Read Hebrews 10 As the author has been working to draw forward many of the themes of the Old Testament, he or she has also been showing how Jesus Christ fulfills many of those things in His life, death, and resurrection. Animal Sacrifices Insufficient. When we begin to consider one another, then God will show us what Christianity is We stir up one Priestly ministry was such an important part of old Israelite worship that the writer gave it lengthy attention here. Hebrews 10:35. [Note: Ellingworth, p530.]. That is agape. Romans 12:1-2]." Hebrews 8:8-12), and continues to testify, the writer said, that final forgiveness meant the end of sacrifices for sin. "Between the imperatives of Hebrews 10:22-25; Hebrews 10:32; Hebrews 10:35, the author describes, more fully than in Hebrews 2:2 f.; Hebrews 6:4-6, the nature and consequences of apostasy, previously described as "falling away from the living God" ( Hebrews 3:12)." This section on the high priestly ministry of Christ ( Hebrews 7:1 to Hebrews 10:18) concludes with this pericope in which the writer emphasized the perfecting effect of Jesus Christ"s sacrifice on New Covenant believers. [Note: Guthrie, p213.] Nothing can underscore the seriousness of a lack of love more than these words. I think that our church does lack love. This exhortation is a good summary of the whole message of Hebrews. However, as in every evangelical community, there are some who have grasped the message intellectually but have not experienced true saving faith. [Note: Lane, Hebrews 9-13, p297.] "This observation [in Hebrews 10:38 b] is a figure of speech called litotes in which a positive idea is expressed by negating the opposite. The apostate is regarded as the adversary of God. person about a sinful practice in his life, he gets very defensive and hostile. Hebrews 2:1]." As we walk in fellowship with God, He loves Under the old covenant that privilege was reserved for the priesthood, only part of God"s people. As the larger context makes plain, he means, "God will be severely angered" (see Hebrews 10:27)." given to the church elders - it is given to all believers. The sin here mentioned is a total and final falling away, when men, with a full and fixed will and resolution, despise and reject Christ, the only Saviour; despise and resist the Spirit, the only Sanctifier; and despise and renounce the gospel, the only way of salvation, and the words of eternal life. [Note: See J. D. G. Dunn, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, pp211-14.]. Hebrews 10:25 . morning meetings. Proof for the assertion Hebrews 7:9. agree with Rich. been fulfilled. ], "Some one has well said: "The blood of animals cannot cleanse from sin because it is non-moral. sickness could be a result of sin; when the sin is dealt with, healing results: The Spirit of God worked through that small group rather than through the ministry of one man. It is unusual to have it used in a good A Community of Love Hebrews 10:24-25 Delivered 08/20/2000. our obligation is to stay in fellowship with him. So, if we at BBC are not create community must do so in spite of the organization's schedule. The long section on the high priestly ministry of Jesus ends here ( Hebrews 7:1 to Hebrews 10:18). All believers now have an open invitation to come into the holy place. this is what Paul is talking about. I can't love my neighbor no matter how We need each other. The writer concluded his warning by reminding his readers of their former faithfulness when tempted to encourage them to endure their present and future tests (cf. Do you understand that? The long sentence intensifies the writer"s appeal. We don't question each other about our sins or victories. 7:3; 10:12,14). last time that you provoked another believer to love and good works? He consciously and deliberately offered His life in obedience to God"s will. This is the type of assembly We should not only exercise faith ( Hebrews 10:22) but also hope ( Hebrews 10:23) and love ( Hebrews 10:24). Little provision was made for them, and they were dependent on friends for their supplies [including food [Note: Moffatt, p154. This is the first of three admonitions (in Hebrews 10:22-25) that together constitute the main exhortation in the epistle. "Taken cumulatively, the three clauses in, "It is an extreme case of apostasy which is being envisaged. In the writings of Moses, great effects are ascribed to these elementary ordinances of worship, in order that it might appear that it is not in themselves that these have so great efficacy. If the writer"s concern had been the salvation of those readers who were unbelievers, this would have been an opportune time for him to exhort them to believe in Christ. We are to teach, to serve, and to Because love is a product of a Spirit controlled life. Invited To The Stable: A 6-Day Family Advent Devotional. community. That is what is needed and that is what the sacrifices could not provide." It seems as though the early Christian church took this word out of sense, and the choice of the unusual word makes the exhortation more striking. It is only natural for one who has abandoned his faith to absent himself or herself from the meetings of his or her church. It is a love that gives, a another a lot by irritating and exasperating one another. 1000 Chattanooga Street "With Hebrews 10:19-39 the great central division of the sermon ( Hebrews 5:11 to Hebrews 10:39) is drawn to a conclusion. . I see in this church a relative lack of love"? . ], "Actually, Hebrews 10:30-31 forms a parallel reference to 2 Corinthians 5:10-11, and the preceding verses ( Hebrews 10:26-29) provide additional information concerning that facet of the judgment seat associated with the "terror of the Lord."" ]. It is the same word used for the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The author is saying that the law is no more than a preliminary sketch. It It is the judgment of Christians (cf. Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All. But there is this vital difference of standpoint: that justification deals with position in relation to God as Judges, while sanctification deals with position in relation to our fellowship with God and our approach to Him in fellowship." The Holy Spirit testified through Jeremiah ( Jeremiah 31:33-34; cf. [Note: Bruce, The Epistle ..., p226. But it is definitely an allusion to the judgment seat of Christ. The Greek word for "exhort" is parakaleo, which means: "to encourage, to comfort, So, he encourages them to hang in there. 10:24. ], "Any early Christian who attempted to live like a pious particle without the support of the community ran serious risks in an age when there was no public opinion to support him. we must be on our guard lest we read this epistle with Pauline terminology in mind." Hebrews 10 Community Group Published by and for The Hebrews 10 Community Group of Pantego Bible Church. [Note: Morris, p96. "The motif of inescapable judgment is developed with an allusion to. to love, but do we all love? The encouragement to persevere10:32-39. you are doing these things. 110:1 quotation which follows. His isolation, whatever its motive-fear, fastidiousness, self-conceit, or anything else-exposed him to the danger of losing his faith altogether." . Stephen Pippin. its obsoleteness and made it a characteristic word for love. He took away the first Mosaic Covenant and its sacrifices to establish the second New Covenant. We are set here to learn to love, and to live without learning to love is to have wasted Hebrews 10. have taught many times, often in frustration, that we are to minister to one another. It will not result in the loss of eternal salvation but the loss of some eternal reward. So, ], "The eternal inheritance laid up for them was so real in their eyes that they could lightheartedly bid farewell to material possessions which were short-lived in any case. First he said, “Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were … . Read more Share Copy Do you realize that individually you and I are personally responsible for the physical and ", "It was commonly inferred [incorrectly] in the Early Church from this and other passages in the epistle that forgiveness for all kinds of post-baptismal sin, inadvertent as well as deliberate, was ruled out. real effort to prod each other into love and good works." [Note: See my comment on types that precedes my comments on9:10-11above.] The early church https://www.insight.org/resources/bible/the-general-epistles This warning passage is in a sense central to all the hortatory passages in Hebrews. That principle does not only apply to the marriage relationship; none of us has the The word Paul uses here for "love" is the Greek word agape. As Jesus put it, we are "in him" by that process. [Note: Lane, Hebrews 9-13, p311. [Note: Morris, p110.]. 7:19; 9:9 can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. The writer showed that Jesus is a superior priest compared with the Levitical priests, and that His priesthood supersedes the Levitical priesthood. If the confessing our faults to one another and praying for one another. The Lord"s return is near ( Revelation 22:20). Fire is a frequent symbol of God and His work in Scripture ( Exodus 3:2; Exodus 19:18; Deuteronomy 4:24; Psalm 18:8-14; Isaiah 33:14; Ezekiel 1:4; Malachi 3:2), and it often indicates His judgment ( Malachi 3:2; Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16). He wants to have communion with God, the holy, holy, holy Lord God of hosts. This exhortation to consider is not It is a love that proceeds from His sacrifice provided a new and living way compared with the old now dead way of the Old Covenant. "My righteous one" is a believer. God sets aside all believers to Himself at conversion. We need to get to know each other in . Our Strengths may seem many. The blood of sinning man cannot cleanse because it is immoral. ""Take away" (aphaireo) is used of a literal taking off, as of Peter"s cutting off the ear of the high priest"s slave ( Luke 22:50), or metaphorically as of the removal of reproach ( Luke 1:25). When we get together, we are to encourage one another, divine love, God is its source and God loves through us as we walk in fellowship with him. The Levitical priests never sat down because they never finished their work, but Jesus Christ sat down beside His Father because He finished His work. in Scripture: Paroxusmos usually means irritation or exasperation. Hebrews 7:10. The accomplishment of our high priest10:1-18. (Read Hebrews 10:26-31) The exhortations against apostacy and to perseverance, are urged by many strong reasons. It shows the shape of things to come, but the solid reality is not there." as God would have us to through provoking one another to love and good works, and by The AFLC also has video services available at their website skia] then is the preliminary outline that an artist may make before he gets to his colors, and the eikon [lit. ], "I personally believe that "waste" is the best translation for this word ["destruction"] in Hebrews 10:39. [Note: Cf. "Whatever the motivation, the writer regarded the desertion of the communal meetings as utterly serious. Hebrews 10:22 "Let us draw near" - Worship Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold fast" - Endurance Hebrews 10:24 "Let us consider one another" - Fellowship The Church is a body, an organism rather than an organization. victory. I believe that The way is not Jesus Himself, in the sense of John 14:6, but the way He opened for us through His death. So, as we walk in fellowship with our Lord, He loves through us. "Taken cumulatively, the three clauses in Hebrews 10:29 define persistent sin ( Hebrews 10:26 a) as an attitude of contempt for the salvation secured through the priestly sacrifice of Christ. There the writer reminded the community of the action of Moses, who sprinkled the people with blood during the ratification of the old covenant at Sinai. Guthrie, p216.]. The just by faith shall live; but the soul that draws back shall die, Hebrews 10:38. INTRODUCTION TO HEBREWS 10 In this chapter the apostle pursues his argument, showing the weakness and imperfection of the Levitical priesthood, and the superior excellency of Christ's, which he closes with suitable exhortations to faith on Christ, as the alone high priest, and to a … 2 Corinthians 5:10), not of unbelievers (cf. In order to our perseverance, we should often reflect on past mercies, and the support afforded us in temptations and afflictions; and not cast away our confidence, for we shall receive the promise if we patiently fulfill the will of God, Hebrews 10:32-37. Cleanup is underway and plans are being developed, but we need your help! To revitalize that spirit is to share in the courage of the Old Testament prophets (cf. On the negative side, we should not forsake our assembling together. Spirit;"Made to drink of one Spirit." I tend to ", [Note: Jeffrey R. Sharp, "Typology and the Message of, "Some one has well said: "The blood of animals cannot cleanse from sin because it is non-moral. On the positive side, when we come together, we are to exhort In The Rules of the Band Societies (an early Methodist meeting which consisted of no more than "preserving of the soul" is equivalent to "saving the life" (cf. individualism so prevalent in America is wholly incompatible with the church of Jesus Christ. ], Jesus Christ now awaits the final destruction of His enemies. [Note: Oberholtzer, 145:418.]. That was this writer"s point here as well. Hebrews 6:6). ], The reference to the washed body ( Hebrews 10:22) probably is to water baptism as the outward sign of inward cleansing (cf. "My righteous one" is a believer. What does it mean to belong...read more our time, no matter how impressive our achievements in other ways may be. Hebrews 6:10-12). This attitude of mind is precisely that "faith" of which our author goes on to speak. Posted by hebrews10 at 9:14 PM No comments: Posted by hebrews10 at 11:35 AM No comments: Posted by hebrews10 at 11:12 AM No comments: Posted … The NT does not reject the notion that Christians will receive rewards, though, of course, that is never the prime motive for service. God took no delight in sacrifices as such if they were not the product of a proper attitude. [Note: J. Dwight Pentecost, "The Apostles" Use of Jesus" Predictions of Judgment on Jerusalem in A.D70," in Integrity of Heart, Skillfulness of Hands, pp140-41.] The Hearts of Prophets and Kings. Lane entitled this warning passage "The Peril of Disloyalty to Christ." Christ"s death is considered from the perspective of its efficacy for Christians." This is a theme [Note: See William David Spencer, "Christ"s Sacrifice as Apologetic: An Application of Hebrews 10:1-18," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society40:2 (June1997):189-97, for a response to resurgent contemporary paganism that encourages self-sacrifice and other types of blood sacrifices.] Posted by hebrews10 at 9:14 PM No comments: Posted by hebrews10 at 11:35 AM No comments: Posted by hebrews10 at 11:12 AM No comments: Posted by hebrews10 at 7:48 PM No comments: Psalms of David Posted by hebrews10 at 7:49 AM No comments: Parable of the shrewd … He tells us in verse 25 through a I have exhorted you on numerous occasions to Here it is: "Let us consider one another.". 52 Conclusion In summary, Hebrews 10:19-25 provided the original recipients with assurance by summarizing Jesus’ role as the new high priest and the necessary results of that appointment. works. Nothing will satisfy a living soul but coming "into the holiest." with care, with thoughtfulness; and to work for his or her best interests. We need each other because that is how the Lord created us. Luke 21:19). Everybody wants to be a part of a loving Hebrews 10:31 is not so much a logical conclusion from what precedes as it is a summary recalling the context of the Deuteronomy ... and loss in the world that motivated the desertion of the community acknowledged in Hebrews 10:25 and a general tendency to avoid contact with outsiders observed elsewhere in Hebrews (see ... Hebrews 5:11-14 )." Highlight the seriousness of departing from the great white throne not result in the Greek text stress the effects... Immediate impact in the tenth chapter of the good things that are coming — not the offerings have?... You provoked another believer some dumb animal that offered its life unthinkingly gave five. 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