When you are brought by the Holy Spirit to a just consideration of your own state as sinners, and with your eyes fixed upon the Infinite One, and stripped by transgression of all the rights with which you were originally invested, and when you see the manner in which God bestows everything out of His own fulness, and supplies your daily and your hourly wants; it is not on yourself or fellow-men that you can depend, for they are weak and evanescent as you are. I said, "I am very thankful; for it will save you the trouble of quitting them. Christianity is a hope — "Christ in you the hope of glory." Besides, God's mercy is like His power, and as He is able, so is He willing to do what He hath promised, and He hath signified His will and purpose, through faith, by His power to preserve us unto salvation.3. They are many and various, every way suited to the numerous and diversified wants both of saints and sinners.II. )The faithfulness of God the Christian's support in life and deathOwen Clarke. Sin has set us at a distance from God (Isaiah 59:2).2. that black future! Hebrews 10:23. We are to please not ourselves, but our brother unto edification. It is not on your toil, your labour, your skill, or your acquisitions, that you can depend; for whatever your gains, they may take to themselves wings and fly and leave you desolate and utterly worthless. (3)By the cheering attractions of a lively hope. No class of men, in a moral point of view, suffer so much as they.An evil conscienceWhen Professor Webster was awaiting his trial, he brought against his fellowprisoners the charge of insulting him through the walls of his cell, and screaming to him, "You are a bloody man!" For some nights they were the only occupants, but by and by the curtain was opened, and a blue-jacket said, "May I come in?" Afterwards it would heal over, and the skin would grow again, but the new skin would be very different from that on your hand now. "And our bodies washed with pure water," in Christian baptism. Sin has set us at a distance from God (Isaiah 59:2).2. (2)By showing love to our fellows. For —1. If He has, then do not hold fast your profession. SLIDE Believer’s hope is unique to Christians. The way to heaven is associated with conflicts.3. Gratitude for past mercies. The form in which they are directed is not always the same, but sometimes assumes a more absolute, and sometimes a more conditional, appearance.4. There are some evils from which a man may escape; but shall a man flee from a guilty conscience? SOME MOTIVES BY WHICH THIS DUTY MAY BE ENFORCED. )The security of the promiseG. These vary as the wind, and are not to be relied upon.2. W. Dale, LL. "In ordinary cases," says a man eminent for his ability, piety, and experience, "I entertain a better opinion of the modest, doubting, and fearful professor than of the bold and assured one."2. (2)By the constraining influence of Christ's love. We have considered how we began this profession, and we have also seen how often we have made it since. And who shall take them away? From the nature of his position — saved from the wreck — he is in a position to look around — to think.1. What I have said is a call upon you, in the first place, to daily private prayer. Hebrews 3:6,14 But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end… Hebrews 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus … Burns, D. D.I. What not to hold fast —(1)Human traditions. There can be nothing which really satisfies the heart of any man in being told that he is at liberty to approach God, if he has no inclination to approach unto God. Because He loves you. This means a conscience that has been injured like a diseased eye, so that we cannot see clearly.I. Let there be no uncertainty, no timidity, no wavering, in our acknowledgment of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. PRACTICAL IMPROVEMENT OF THE SUBJECT, in an use of exhortation.1. Always setting the Lord before us, etc. We may be hearty without being honest. Not only draw towards God, but come forward, and draw near to Him as a God in Christ. But whilst this seems unquestionably true, and whilst, therefore, there is such a thing as personal assurance of salvation, the doctrine has often been presented in such a way as to engender serious mistakes and lead to very dangerous errors. Faith rests on the past, the accomplished work of Jesus; hope looks to the future, the return of our Saviour. "The profession of our faith," or, "the confession of our hope." The apostle here lays down four directions:(1) Draw near to God sincerely. SOME MOTIVES BY WHICH THIS DUTY MAY BE ENFORCED. "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope, that it waver not." Suppose that the glass in the window instead of being clear is stained glass — one pane red, another blue, another yellow, and another green. He used to be called the "Stonewall Jackson of the Navy." God has nowhere declared concerning any of us, as individuals, that we shall be saved; all that He has revealed on this subject respects us as characters. They became the butt of the men in two or three messes, but still continued, bearing and forbearing. (3) As servants of the house, to serve our Lord, to wait upon Him, and behold His glory (Psalm 116:16). )The faithfulness of God the Christian's support in life and deathOwen Clarke. The only sure evidence of our being in a state of grace, is our being in heart and life holy. H. Christianity is a spiritual democracy. He was welcomed. )Divine promisesR. H. His beautiful reply was, "Sir, I long for those springing flowers which shall never fade away." )Standing.fireSome time ago, in one of our great ships of war, there was a solitary sailor who was not ashamed to own himself a follower of Christ. The doctrine of Justification is a promise that the penalty of sin may be cancelled; the doctrine of Sanctification, that the power of sin may be destroyed.(R. Colwell.I. If, after all, it has been a mistake and a delusion, then give it up. Campbell.I. We have obtained what the apostle calls "like precious faith": it is a rare jewel, and he is rich that possesseth it. But God will not, God cannot, for God who hath promised is faithful; for as He cannot forget or be hindered by any contrary power, so He cannot change His will. Is there, then, some may be ready to ask, no such thing as assurance of personal salvation? Another Jack Tar was creeping along, and said, "May I come?" )The security of the promiseG. They became the butt of the men in two or three messes, but still continued, bearing and forbearing. )The faithfulness of God the Christian's support in life and deathOwen Clarke. A very necessary injunction in these days of apostasy from the faith.1. Not half-hearted. These promises are not mere movements of the Divine mind arising only under the exigencies of new circumstances or of events which spring up in the progress of time, but they flow from the deep fountains of His own grace and love; they embrace all that which is involved in the gift of His dear Son, the great work of the Saviour, the communications of the Divine Spirit, and in the application of every blessing which God has engaged to bestow on His Church on earth. Our present happiness, and our prospect of eternal felicity. Let us draw near with a true heart, in the full assurance of faith. Hope is noticeable. H. We are secure; when one that is able hath passed his word, and by promise bound himself unto us, then we make sure thus far of the thing promised. We have made A PROFESSION OF OUR FAITH, AND A CONFESSION OF OUR HOPE, By the memories of the day when you made that profession, be firm in it to the end. If such things can be done in earth's prisons, what are sinners to look for in a future world? Sin has set us at a distance from God (Isaiah 59:2).2. We have considered how we began this profession, and we have also seen how often we have made it since. To guide us and keep us from doing wrong. So that all is sure on God's part, and man hath no cause to waver, except he neglect his duty; and if he perish, his destruction must be of himself. But how must the business of our drawing near to God be managed? These promises are not mere movements of the Divine mind arising only under the exigencies of new circumstances or of events which spring up in the progress of time, but they flow from the deep fountains of His own grace and love; they embrace all that which is involved in the gift of His dear Son, the great work of the Saviour, the communications of the Divine Spirit, and in the application of every blessing which God has engaged to bestow on His Church on earth. We may also compare it to the window of the soul. Are we not enriched with the grace of God? It is implied that there was a danger of their relinquishing it. His beautiful reply was, "Sir, I long for those springing flowers which shall never fade away." But God will not, God cannot, for God who hath promised is faithful; for as He cannot forget or be hindered by any contrary power, so He cannot change His will. This is a very convenient way of being roused from sleep. But if we wish to have a correct view of the things that we are looking at through a window, what sort of glass is it necessary to have in the window? Conscience is no longer defiled; it is washed, purged. (2) Next, to pass from the Jewish law, you will observe that God tells us expressly in the history of the fall of Adam, what the legal ceremonies implied; that it is our very nature which is sinful. THE PROFESSION REFERRED TO.1. Besides, God's mercy is like His power, and as He is able, so is He willing to do what He hath promised, and He hath signified His will and purpose, through faith, by His power to preserve us unto salvation.3. Put all the force of the soul into faith, and so cling to Jesus.3. )Steady to the poleColeridge's Aids to Reflection.Late observations have shown that under many circumstances the magnetic needle, even after the disturbing influence has been removed, will continue wavering, and require many days before it points aright and remains steady to the pole. H. Newman, D. D.Among the reasons which may be assigned for the observance of prayer at stated times, there is one which is very obvious, and yet perhaps is not so carefully remembered and acted upon as it should be. They became the butt of the men in two or three messes, but still continued, bearing and forbearing. And can we see anything in the room when the shutters are closed? They met for many nights behind the gun, reading and praying. Believing the promise, they expected in hope the glory of Messiah's reign. Is there, then, some may be ready to ask, no such thing as assurance of personal salvation? It came to the ears of the commander, who was a Roman Catholic — but I mention this to his honour. The next inference is, they who use the means of grace will profit thereby.3. It is not on your own works and your own productions that you can repose. It is a kind of clock made to wake persons at a particular hour by making a loud noise. With us this unity of faith and hope is substantially the same; but it appears now in a twofold manner. This is no back entry, but the most glorious way to the throne. And God makes use of conscience as His detective police to find out those who have sinned secretly.II. "Till I come," is the voice of the Saviour, when faith beholds His dying love; and going forth to meet Him, going forth out of the world's sin, bondage, gloom, is the response of the bride.3. )The security of the promiseG. To this day it fulfils its original purpose of impressing upon man his great guilt and feebleness. And so, when we look through the blue glass all things will be blue, they will be yellow when we look through the yellow glass, and green when we look through the green glass. "By their fruits," said our Lord, "ye shall know them." A. We will take both renderings; for they are both correct in fact if not in the letter. Come in, ye blessed of the Lord; why do you stand back? Next, it is a call upon you to join the public services of the Church, not only once a week, but whenever you have the opportunity; knowing well that your Redeemer is especially present where two or three are gathered together. It is not on your own works and your own productions that you can repose. "Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience." What I have said is a call upon you, in the first place, to daily private prayer. The doctrine of the Atonement is a promise; it explains the ground on which God grants the pardon of sin. To this day it fulfils its original purpose of impressing upon man his great guilt and feebleness. Instead of checking the bad elements within us, perhaps we indulged them for years; and they truly had their fruit unto death. How MAY CONSCIENCE BE INJURED?1. Not half-hearted. When in the midst of the flames he exhorted his companions to constancy, saying, "We shall not end our lives in the fire, but make a change for a better life; yea, for coals we shall receive pearls. SOME MOTIVES BY WHICH THIS DUTY MAY BE ENFORCED. But suppose we have thick, heavy shutters to the window, and keep them closed. Very fashionable now to doubt; and we are told if, we certainly believe anything we cannot grow. Further, consider how many sins are involved in our obedience, I may say from the mere necessity of the case; that is, from not having that more vigorous and clear-sighted faith which would enable us accurately to discern and closely to follow the way of life. We only retain our hold by pressing onwards, etc. We can only be safe, happy, strong, or useful, by being fully decided — by ceasing to waver.III. The way to heaven is associated with conflicts.3. But how must the business of our drawing near to God be managed? To keep an account of what we do. (3)By the cheering attractions of a lively hope. Do not in future fall into the same fears. Instead of checking the bad elements within us, perhaps we indulged them for years; and they truly had their fruit unto death. A window is of use for letting light into room, and also for looking through, that we may see what is outside of the window. It is not on your toil, your labour, your skill, or your acquisitions, that you can depend; for whatever your gains, they may take to themselves wings and fly and leave you desolate and utterly worthless. A. We have obtained what the apostle calls "like precious faith": it is a rare jewel, and he is rich that possesseth it. (1)By the exercise of vigorous faith. The end will amply recompense for the trials of the way.(J. THE DUTY ENJOINED.1. Hebrews 10:23 Context. The clock will continue to sound the alarm at the proper hour, and it will make as much noise as ever it did, but it will lose its effect. Of whom it is that our text speaks. That gnawing canker! The apostle here lays down four directions:(1) Draw near to God sincerely. WE MAY DRAW NEAR TO GOD. In short, we must hold fast our profession. Wash one another's feet.2. Mackey. The doctrine of the Atonement is a promise; it explains the ground on which God grants the pardon of sin. For —1. Oh for that grace which sprinkles our hearts from an evil conscience!Saved from an evil conscienceF. Our text points to Him who fills the throne itself; we are contemplating Him as engaged to us by a covenant ordered in all things and sure; and as having communicated in consequence exceeding great and precious promises, while He is faithful to each and every promise which He has thus made.2. Conscience will have a terrific power of starting such accusations, and then an ear of keen sensibility to receive the echoes as they roll back upon the soul What an occupation for eternity! Notice how thin and tender is the skin on your hand or face. 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